Ready to embark on the journey?

No, you don't have to book plane tickets or pack your suitcase. This time, it's a journey inwards. To your core. To who you really are.

In our fast-paced, action-driven Western society, we are often so caught up in ‘doing’ that we lose sight of who we truly are and what genuinely motivates us. We tend to live in our heads and lose touch with our inner core.

I help you get out of your head and back in touch with your true core, so that you can first ‘be’ again and then ‘do’. When your actions stem from what gives you happiness and satisfaction, they become truly meaningful and powerful. You feel passion, you bubble with energy and experience real meaning.

And the best of it all? It doesn't stop with you, you become a catalyst for change in your environment.

I work both 1:1 and with workshops for teams. A combination of both is also possible, as I am happy to tailor an offer for companies.

Corequest 1:1 Trans formation

Do you feel like there's so much more inside of you, and you have no idea how to tap into your full potential? During this 1:1 program, Liesbet will empower you to fully stand in your own strength, allowing you to take new, courageous actions.

The outcome? You create a meaningful impact, find a deeper sense of purpose, and become a catalyst for positive change in your surroundings.

Corequest Team Trans formation

Would your team like to collaborate from a place of genuine connection?
Delve deep into your group's core, and achieve results beyond
your imagination?

This unique group workshop focuses on intuition, inspiration,
and connection, offering a range of surprising tools and

After this transformative experience, teamwork, meetings,
and collaboration will be forever changed.

Corequest Team Trans formation